Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Car Won't Start!

Wednesday, August 29th, 2015
The day started out well enough. The whole family, (minus their dad, who was on a business trip) had been to the chiropractor and all felt much better after their visit. They had driven two vehicles so that Mom and the boys could go straight home, and the sisters could run errands. Yet that afternoon mom needed to go out-of-state for wedding reasons, plus she could stay overnight at her mom’s house and run errands in the bigger city stores.
The two sisters (including Yours Truly) went to Meijer for groceries, and managed to get in and out in good time. The girls needed to get home to fix supper and leave for church in a timely manner. They were feeling pretty good about themselves when they got in the tan van and started it up. The radio and A/C came on. They turned the A/C off and lowered the windows, to give the A/C time to catch up with the 90 degree heat.
The Car Won't Start! A True Story by Left and Write

But something wasn’t right.